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How to install ownCloud 5 manually on Ubuntu 13.04 with Apache 2

Today we want to install ownCloud such that we can host everything at home and it is under your control. You can check the features at Ok first step is to download the ownCloud distrubution to your server and extract it in your web directory. (Normally inside /var/www) You need to have an Apache HTTPD running. Now you need to install some php dependencies which are needed by ownCloud. To do this execute the following commands: Next you need to ensure that 'AllowOverride' is set to 'All' in the 'Directory /var/www' section of your virtual host file. This is usually in '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default'. Update 23.11.2013: If you have Apache version 2.4.3 or later (default in Ubuntu 13.10) installed you need to add the following to the /var/www section of your virtual hosts file (which now ends with the .conf extension): Next we need to enable some Apache 2 mods with the following commands: Now open the browser and connect to your server and add '/owncloud' to the URL. Follow the installation instructions and select a database. I use PostgreSQL but you can also use MySQL or SQLite (file based database). But for larger installations you should use PostgreSQL or MySQL. After the installation is finished, you can test your ownCloud instance. If you need more documentation or need support goto Thats all on how to install ownCloud on your own...